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September 7, 2007--

Public sentiment shifts against American Self-Defeatism propaganda by Hollywood Left and so-called "mainstream" media and in favor of support for troops and mission in Iraq.

Polls show the sands of public sentiment shifting out from under the American Self-Defeatism unrelentingly promoted by the Hollywood Left and the so-called "mainstream" media and in favor of support for our troops and their mission in Iraq. Some of the credit goes to President Bush (a leader with a "a strong spine but a weak tongue"*) for finally beginning to wage a steady rather than intermittent counter-offensive against the self-defeatist propaganda. Most, if not almost all, of the credit goes (in the following order) to: our troops in Iraq (and Afghanistan); Iraq & Afghanistan "Vets for Freedom"; too many top milbloggers to list here; Appeal for Courage; military families; Freedoms Watch; the Foundation for Defense of Democracy; the Gathering of Eagles; the "fairness doctrine counterweight" to the so-called "mainstream" media";

Because too few Americans are sufficiently self-motivated for continuing self-education on issues such as Iraq, the sands of public-sentiment are easily shifted and shaped by media activism. Therefore, all of those identified above -- and especially President Bush-- need to effectively and unrelentingly wage a perpetual public-education campaign against the perpetual campaign of defeatism. In the past, Bush has let his desire not to base his decisions "on polls" blind him to the disastrous consequences of ignoring "the polls." He must perpetually engage in a media campaign to influence the polls in favor of his policies in order to avoid having to deal with poll-worshiping politicians being influenced against supporting them by the self-defeatist media campaign being waged unrelentingly by the Hollywood Left and the so-called "mainstream" media on the minds of "independents" and "middle-roaders." The rest of us must likewise continue to engage in public-education actions to reach the minds of those "independents" and "middle-roaders" rather than merely reaching the minds of those of us who are already sufficiently motivated for continuing self-education.

In the legal profession, we call it "Continuing Legal Education" ("CLE") The legal profession makes it mandatory for all lawyers to maintain their qualifications annually through CLE. The Constitution does not, cannot, and should not, make "Continuing Citizen Education" ("CCE") mandatory for exercising the rights of citizenship, but we who favor CCE it must find ways to capture the attention of our less-interested fellow citizens in order to motivate them into participating in the civic responsibility of self-education-- i.e., CCE.

In an effort to "practice" what I "preach," I've created a number of videos intended to attract the attention of people who aren't "news-junkies," "political junkies," or Bush-haters but who may have heretofore been "persuaded" by the Left's unrelenting campaign of American Self-Defeatism. Here's one of my own videos, which is designed to attract the attention of "sports" junkies. It focuses on "endgame" issues concerning Iraq:

Here's one designed to attract the attention of non-Bush-haters who may nevertheless have been duped by the Left into believing there to be something sinister to be "exposed" about Bush and his strategies in Iraq and Afghanistan in particular and in the war against fanaticism in general-- it's titled, "Exposing Bush on Iraq":

* I wish I could take credit for this description of Bush, but I must attribute it to one of my good friends, Paul McTamaney. It's not intended to disparage Bush but rather to point out the flaw in his strategy (heretofore) of not aggressively, explicitly and unrelentingly counter-attacking the unrelenting propaganda campaign the Left has waged against him, against the mission in Iraq and even against the mission in Afghanistan ever since 9-11.

--Jim Wrenn, Editor at WrennCom.Com; (Also Editor at PoliSat.Com, where the satire is always commentary, but the commentary isn't always satire). The permanent link to this commentary is here.